Admiral Perry Obedience Training Cub, Erie, PA
Admiral Perry Obedience Training Club, Inc. was organized in 1945 and registered as a non-profit corporation in 1965. APOTC is the oldest dog training club of its kind in Northwestern Pennsylvania.
Members train and show their dogs in AKC obedience trials and other events such as agility, rally, tracking and conformation.
Because we are united in the belief that a well-trained dog is a well-loved dog, APOTC holds obedience classes. Instructors are club members who have trained and earned obedience titles on their own dogs. Our goal is to enable you to train your dog to be a well-behaved pet, making it a more valuable member of your family.

Sandy Globa
Growing up I enjoyed the companionship and love of a poodle and miniature rat terrier. After marrying my husband and I participated in obedience, agility and training classes with our many Labrador Retrievers as members of the Admiral Perry Dog Club for well over 25 years.
Today my husband and I are puppy-raiser volunteers with Canine Companions for Independence. We have puppy raised 8 Labrador Retrievers and a Golden Retriever. Six of those Labs are placed throughout the U.S. as Service Dogs. We kept the 2 release dogs and had them certified as Therapy Dogs. I volunteer with the dogs and the CCI pup in training at the Achievement Center, Brevilier Village and do dog programs for school age children. I also teach a class for parents and grand parents on “How to Introduce your Dog to the New Bay” with other trainers. I am a retired Educator with the Erie School District.
Janet Norman
Since I was very young I longed to have a dog or a horse but lived in the city and my parents rule was “no animals”. So when I married and we purchased a home I was finally able to have my first dog, a Long Haired Dachshund. The first thing my Father-in-law said was “you need to see Marge Memminger”. Marge was an obedience trainer with Admiral Perry. After starting with classes with Admiral Perry I was hooked on competition obedience.
As time wore on I became Training Director and Assistant Training Director for Admiral Perry.
Currently, we live with a Shetland Sheepdog and Australian Shepherd. Both are Herding breeds. I enjoy training them and seeing the light bulb go off when they finally understand what to do.
I’ve titled dogs in obedience with the AKC (American Kennel Club) and CKC (Canadian Kennel Club), rally and agility. The mission of APOTC is to help people train their dogs to become a well behaved family member. That’s the goal I have with my dogs and with the students I instruct.

Beth Rapp
I, like all my fellow instructors, had a young fascination with four legged creatures. My first pet was a rabbit that I taught to go for walks around the neighborhood with a pink harness and leash. Next, in my life were the Dachshunds that were a lot of fun to grow up with. They were my trick dogs that were schooled by me to do a varied repertoire of entertaining antics. Training animals and my love of children inspired me to pursue a teaching degree .
I also had a love of horses and begged like every young girl to keep one in my bedroom. That never happened. The opportunity did arise during my adult life to own a very special horse.. For the past 28 years came the Weimaraners. Three have been in my life so far. The first one opened the door to competition obedience. That was just the beginning. The Weims have helped me follow a wonderful path that has led to showing in conformation, obedience, rally and lure coursing. I also have trained for trick dog, barn hunt, tracking and agility.
The best part of teaching the APOTC classes are working with new students and their dogs to help them develop basic skills and watch them progress during our weeks of classes. I also want to make everyone aware of the many fun things they can do together with their dogs.
Contact Us
Contact Us: (814) 866-5609 (Janet Norman)
President: Beth Rapp
Vice President: Melanie Shufran
Recording Secretary: Betsy Olson
Corresponding Secretary: Janet Norman
Treasurer: Kathy Croft
Board Members:
Lee-Ann Czytuck, Jodi Casillo, Ann Gehrlein, Marilyn Flower, Charlene Cyphert, Sandy Globa
Scan the code and bookmark us on your mobile phone.
From Our puppy class
“I appreciated your training styles and philosophies. It is apparent that your approaches to canine training are grounded in a deep respect for the pups and their owners. We did not see ego, negativity, or favoritism on the training floor. The articles you shared were very helpful, even to us who have had dogs for more than 40 years. The photo shoot and treat bags were above and beyond “the call of duty.” Thank you for a great training experience!”